Bela Education Group
Welcome to our Official Website

We try to create an atmosphere of reverence for education and a healthy environment where academics mould our students and motivate them to be the brightest and the best. In order to do this, the school works towards inculcating certain values in the students in order to enrich their mind and spirit and also to develop essential moral attributes like truthfulness, courtesy, generosity, compassion, justice, love and trustworthiness in them. The students are taught to study in an atmosphere of love and unity where each student sees himself or herself as a member of one global family, free from the prejudices of ethnicities, nationalities, class and religious dogmas . I am very grateful to each and every member of the Science Coaching, our Fraternity Our Staff who know very well how to synchronize and harmonize with our process of growth. Our Students who constantly show by their performance and conduct that it makes a difference to be a student of Science Coaching; and last but not le ...


Message of Founder Chairman

Massage of Funder Chairman Mymensingh College of Physiotherapy and Health Sciences (MCPHS), the educational institute of Bela Health and Education Foundation (BHEF) was established in 2022. It has established aiming to universalize the rehabilitation health services through the skilled and experienced rehabilitation professionals such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, the government as well as the private sector will deliver rehabilitation health ...

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Message of Founder Executive Director

Message from the Executive Director: Mymensingh College of Physiotherapy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) is one of the best and most excellent educational institutes in Bangladesh to produce skilled human resources in the field of treatment and rehabilitation of persons with and/or without disabilities since its inception. This prestigious institute has founded by the philanthropist Dr. Shameem Aahmed under the umbrella of Bela Health and Education Foundation (BHEF). It is our great pleasure to s ...

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as on 28 Mar, 2025 10:27 PM