Bela Education Group
Message of Princpal

Principal Massage:  

Modern nursing has evolved from the era of Florence Nightingale- the pioneer of nursing profession. Since then, nursing profession has been flourishing with zeal and compassion. Nevertheless, the profession still holds firm to its noble value of “love” “care” and “selfless service”. Thus, nursing education has a crucial role to play in meeting the health care needs across the globe.

The nurse’s values community, personal and professional growth, and is passionate about creating different and sustainable expectations for the profession and leverages technology and advancements to provide the highest quality care available.

Bela nursing College is an academic institute of Bela Health & Education Foundation are providing Diploma in nursing Science and Midwifery, Diploma in midwifery, post basic B.Sc in nursing and B.Sc. in nursing courses, which imparts best Nursing Education in the Division of Mymensingh. Bela nursing college has excellent infrastructure, finest classroom with IT facilities and skill labs. College provides conducive learning environment for the students and “teaching learning exposure” labs are optimally equipped with skill development facilities. BNC not only focusses on Nursing Education but facilitates holistic personality development in the students. BNC is invariably appreciated by all stakeholders and the students gets good/excellent opportunities for comprehensive development. Quality education is imparted through efficient curriculum planning, delivery and feedback system. The college places more emphasis on hands-on training, as these students will be dealing with human lives later. Individual growth is compounded by provision of extra-curricular activities such as cultural competitions, academic related competitions, college festivals and numerous other activities.  Student’s all-round development is the prime objective of BNC, facilitated by provision of a teacher-guardian scheme, routine health check-ups, regular evaluation of performances etc. Being part of BNC’s journey has been extremely rewarding, and having the opportunity to witness the realization of its noble vision is a privilege.

I, once again, extend my heartiest welcome to all the students and assure that students come to us as a budding flowers and go out form us as fully cherished beautiful flowers.



A.K.M Abdul Karim


Bela Nursing College

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as on 09 Feb, 2025 05:45 PM